4 years ago
Web: 8.13.3
- Added Video Player Bidding support for Index Exchange.
- Reduced human error in setting up player bidding on the client side by making the accepted values in
case insensitive. - Added case insensitivity to directional AdChoices logo positioning values (top, right, left, bottom) coming from ad responses. Before, incorrect casing would always result in a top-left positioned AdChoices logo.
Core Player
- Fixed an issue causing DASH segmented VTT captions (cue times are relative to the segment time rather than total video time) to show up all at once at the beginning.
- Fixed an accessibility bug where Apple Voiceover does not announce the volume slider when focused in Safari.
- Fixed an accessibility issue where keyboard shortcuts stop working in fullscreen mode after interacting with the time slider.
- Fixed an issue in IMA where the
event returned a null payload instead of the object.