4 years ago
Web: 8.16.3
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect emsg messageData to be emitted.
- Fixed an issue causing some mid-roll emsg cues to be missed.
- Fixed a bug where the url to a side-loaded thumbnails track was displayed instead of subtitles when casting.
- Fixed an issue where an audio-only HLS stream with alternate tracks never buffers or plays.
- Fixed overlapping right-to-left text displayed over ads in the Google IMA client.
- Fixed a bug causing captions to not be cleared when going to an ad break on iOS Safari.
- Fixed a bug on IE11 where the volume slider could not be used.
- Fixed an issue where the player errors or gets stuck in an idle state when loading the last playlist item if it is rejected by the async playlist API callback.
- Fixed a bug where some captions were displayed incompletely on browsers were HLS streams are not rendered natively.